Epic Game Tournaments: 

Engage in high-stakes competitions across a variety of games, from old and new board games, RPGs and War-gaming. Win glory, prizes, and the respect of your peers.

Live RPG Adventures: 

Immerse yourself in live-action role-playing sessions where your decisions shape the story. Whether you’re a noble knight, a cunning rogue, or a wise wizard, your journey awaits.

War-Gaming Masterclasses: 

Learn from the masters. Attend workshops and demonstrations led by renowned war-gamers, gaining insights into tactics, strategy, and the art of miniature painting.

Cosplay Contests: 

Showcase your creativity and passion for gaming as your favorite character. Compete for awards or simply enjoy the parade of characters from your favorite games.

Pick & Play: 

Discover great old and new games, without committing to a long session. Browse and learn from hosts who are excited to spend a few minutes to demonstrate their favorite games, which may soon become yours too!

Interactive Panels and Q&A:

 Gain wisdom from industry insiders, game designers, and authors in engaging panel discussions. Ask the questions that matter and be part of the conversation shaping the future of gaming.

Midnight Madness: 

Experience the electric atmosphere of late-night gaming sessions. When the sun sets, the fun doesn’t stop; it just gets more intense with special events and games running into the wee hours.

Vendors & Exhibitors: 

Browse through aisles filled with exclusive merchandise, rare collectibles, and the latest in gaming accessories. Support indie creators, meet publishers, and perhaps find a treasure or two to take home.

Community Building:

More than just gaming, BR&WL-CON is about forming connections. Participate in meet-and-greets, social mixers, and communal dining experiences designed to build friendships over one exciting weekend of rolling dice.