Hosting an event at BR&WL-CON earns you the title of BR&WL BOSS!
A BR&WL-BOSS only has to host 3 qualifying events over the BR&WL-CON weekend. You’ll earn a BR&WL BOSS T-Shirt and a cool BR&WL-BOSS Swag Bag!
How to be a BR&WL BOSS
It’s easy!
No Badge Purchase Necessary to Submit an Event!
Step 1: Sign up with TableTop Events
Step 2: Submit your events
Step 3: The BR&WL GAMES-MASTER currates your event, to assist in ensuring all BR&WLers know what your offering.
Step 4: Get your BR&WL BOSS Badge and start counting down the days to BR&WL-CON!
Want to be a BR&WL BIG-BOSS!?
A BR&WL BIG-BOSS agrees to host at least 6 qualifying events and in exchange you’ll receive a BR&WL BIG-BOSS T-Shirt and an even bigger BR&WL BIG-BOSS Swag Bag! BR&WL BIG-BOSS Badges are also discounted in exchange for the extra work required to be one of our most valuable attendees at BR&WL-CON.
Event Submission Guidelines:
Role-playing Games:
Must be between 3 to 4 hours.
Must be open for at least 5 players.
May use published or self written adventure, however, we discourage any continuing Home-Brewed games or campaigns that other attendees may not be familiar with.
Be sure to include yourself as a Player/Participant when submitting your event, if you’re the GM.
Board Games:
Must be between 3 to 4 hours.
Must be open for at least 4 players.
Please only submit events for Board Games, which you are able to provide yourself. (yes it has happened!)
If multiple rounds are need or it’s longer than 4 hours, you will be contacted for further information.
Be sure to include yourself as a Player/Participant when submitting your event, if you’re also playing the game.
War Games:
Must be open for at least 6 players
If multiple rounds are need or it’s longer than 4 hours, you will be contacted for further information.
Include yourself if you are playing in the game.
Tournaments and other Gaming Competitive rounds:
You will be contacted for further information regarding your event submission.
Tournament Organizers have the option to run events as a bystander or play in their own event. If the event sells out and the GM has not purchased a ticket to reserve their seat they are expected to participate as a GM only.
As a BR&WL BOSS you agree to tidy your event space before you leave and to vacate it in advance of the next event so they may set up.
BR&WL-CON Organizers reserve the right for any reason to not approve an event, for any conduct that is not aligned with our convention guidelines.
If you have already purchased a Badge, and wish to submit events or be a BR&WL BOSS, please contact the BR&WL GAMES-MASTER to discuss.
You must attend BR&WL-CON to receive your BR&WL BOSS Swag Bag